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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Medley of Pokémon O2 chart released

Well guys, we have finally finished The Medley of Pokémon chart. It's a little over 26 minutes long, so warmup is really necessary before playing this. Read the Resdme that is in the RAR file for some advice. You'll need it. Good luck ;)

Download (o2ma3058):

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Updates to the levels of my two O2 notecharts

Rohen might've already posted about this in the AngelJam November 2011 Update, but I'm just going to make sure by posting it here.

It made me wonder why Fentanest is overleveled and Blue Rain is underleveled. Those two HX charts' levels have been fixed. If you play in AngelJam, you only need the OJNList to correct it. However if you're playing them elsewhere, you must update the OJNs in the link below. Simply extract them into the Music folder and overwrite/update when prompted.

o2ma3053 (Fentanest) OJN
o2ma3055 (Blue Rain) OJN

And also you may wonder: "What's the purpose of the levels?"

Not only do they give you a hint of what you should expect in the chart, they also affect the amount of Experience Points given when you complete the song. Or at least that's what they say in the O2Jam Wikia page about Experience Point calculations.